Visdom is a Danish documentary based on conversations between four different people from “Pisseranden”, the neighborhood in the city center of Copenhagen, and Dariusz Steiness.

The film is an attempt to find the personal wisdom about life. The conversations are conducted twice per person in different seasons, condition and location.

The recordings were made in the years 2001 and 2004. The material has matured as a good wine before reaching the audience, right now where personal knowledge and life experience has become a commodity in high price. Unfortunately, two of the participants are dead but their wisdom lives on well.

Visdom had a sneak premiere in the fall of 2018 at Floss’ new series of events; Odd Sundays. A series of events that focus on our common cultural understanding, our cultural heritage, our joy and wonder.


Stream Full Movie

You can stream the full movie for the price of 49kr